Colonialist expansionism and change
Formation of monopolies and transition period to imperialism
Imperialism and importance of capital export
Imperialism is the international expansionism of finance capital
"Dependence" question in the imperialist epoch
Imperialism rises above monopolist competition
Imperialism is the domination of finance capital
Inseperable part of imperialist epoch: Wars for hegemony
Anti-imperialist struggle cannot be reduced to national liberation struggle
Imperialism and the change in colonial countries
Imperialist epoch and national liberation struggles
Imperialism and the question of political independence
Imperialist era and the distinction between just and unjust wars
National question in the era of the first four congresses of the Comintern
First Congress of the Comintern (March 1919)
Second All-Russian Congress of the Communist Parties of Eastern People (November 1919)
Second Congress of the Comintern (July 1920)
First Congress of Eastern Peoples (Baku, September 1920)
The Climate before the Third Congress and the problem of Turkey
The Third Congress of the Comintern (June-July 1921)
First Congress of Far Eastern Communist and Revolutionary Organisations (January 1922)
The Fourth Congress of the Comintern (November -December 1922)

link: Elif Çağlı, From Colonialism to Imperialism, August 2002, https://en.marksist.net/node/3132