“The United States of Europe”?
A dream of capitalists: “United States of Europe”
Kautsky and the “United States of Europe”
Rosa and the “United States of Europe”
Lenin and the “United States of Europe”
Trotsky and the “United States of Europe”
European Union in Reality
Imperialist unions cannot be permanent
America’s rivalry has given rise to the European Union
From EEC to EU
EU is a contradictory union
Turkey's uncertain EU journey
The fate of European Union is uncertain
True Character of European Union Must Be Exposed
EU and the delusion of peaceful capitalist development
EU and the dream of a stable democracy
Petty-bourgeois opposition is a dead end
The debate on accession to the EU is an internal question of the bourgeoisie
Bourgeois alternatives cannot be the solution!
The solution lies in the revolutionary struggle of the working class

link: Elif Çağlı, Marxist Attitude On the Question of European Union, 12 April 2003, https://en.marksist.net/node/1858