In this book, Elif Çağlı, by taking into consideration a wide range of experiences ranging from Louise Bonaparte's experience of 18 Brumaire during the Marx era in France to the Bismarck era in Germany, from Italian and German fascism to Spain and Portugal, from Greece to Latin America, reveals the forms and evolutions of the extraordinary regimes of the bourgeoisie, how these regimes should be evaluated and on which theoretical-political foundations this evaluation should be based. Undoubtedly, the Turkish experience constitutes an important page here. Çağlı presents a Marxist perspective on the history of modern Turkey by discussing the establishment process and the subsequent evolution of the bourgeois regime in Turkey, the coups and the question of the character of the regimes they gave rise to.
Bonaparte's 18 Brumaire
1848: Parliamentary Republic in France
The Bourgeoisie Sacrifices the Parliamentary Regime When Necessary
The Process that Created Bonapartism
The Slippery Attitude of the Petty-Bourgeois Left
Whose Rule is Bonapartism?
Bourgeoisie's Self-Expropriation in Politics
In Extraordinary Regimes the Executive Power Turns Absolute
Extraordinary Regimes are the Product of Extraordinary Conditions
Why Cannot There Be "Proletarian Bonopartism"?
Fascism: Bloody Dictatorship of Finance Capital
The Question of Fascism in the Comintern under Lenin
Distinction between State Type and State Form
Distinction between Bonapartism and Fascism
The Bonapartism-Fascism Relationship cannot be Simplified to Templates
Can Fascism Take the Form of a Military Dictatorship?
Fascism Rising to Power and Fascism in Power
The Establishment of Fascist Power
Organization of Fascist Power
Degree of Fascist Repression
Ideology of Fascism
Demise of Fascism (Collapse or Dissolution)
Poulantzas' Theory of Fascism
Correct Attitude in the Struggle against Fascism
The Danger of Fascism Today
Bismarckism: The Establishment of Bourgeois Order from Above
The Qualitative Difference Between Bourgeois Revolution and Proletarian Revolution
From the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic: Bourgeois Revolution from the Top
A Brief Overview of the Military Coups in Turkey
May 27, 1960
March 12, 1971
September 12, 1980
APPENDIX I - Examples of the Establishment and Demise of Fascist Powers
Italy and Germany
Some Examples from the Balkans and Eastern European Countries
Spain Lessons

link: Elif Çağlı, From Bonapartism to Fascism, August 2004, https://en.marksist.net/node/8095